1 /*
2 * Copyright Andrej Mitrovic 2013.
3 * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
4 * (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
5 * http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 */7 modulegit.transport;
8 9 importstd.conv;
10 importstd.exception;
11 importstd.stdio;
12 importstd..string;
13 importstd.typecons;
14 15 importdeimos.git2.clone;
16 17 importgit.credentials;
18 importgit.checkout;
19 importgit.exception;
20 importgit.repository;
21 importgit.types;
22 importgit.util;
23 24 importdeimos.git2.indexer;
25 importdeimos.git2.net;
26 importdeimos.git2.transport;
27 importdeimos.git2.types;
28 importdeimos.git2.util;
29 30 version (GIT_SSH)
31 {
32 staticassert(0, "dlibgit does not support SSH yet.");
33 }
34 35 ///36 enumGitTransportFlags37 {
40 41 /* *
42 If the connection is secured with SSL/TLS, the authenticity
43 of the server certificate should not be verified.
44 */45 no_check_cert = GIT_TRANSPORTFLAGS_NO_CHECK_CERT46 }
47 48 ///49 //~ alias GitTransportMsgCallback = void function(in char[] str);50 51 //~ struct GitTransport52 //~ {53 /* Set progress and error callbacks */54 //~ int function(GitTransport transport,55 //~ GitTransportMsgCallback progressCallback,56 //~ GitTransportMsgCallback errorCallbak) setCallbacks;57 58 /* Connect the transport to the remote repository, using the given
59 * direction. */60 //~ int function(GitTransport transport,61 //~ in char[] url,62 //~ GitCredAcquireCallback credAcquireCallback,63 //~ int direction,64 //~ int flags) connect;65 66 //~ /* This function may be called after a successful call to connect(). The67 //~ * provided callback is invoked for each ref discovered on the remote68 //~ * end. */69 //~ int function(git_transport *transport,70 //~ git_headlist_cb list_cb,71 //~ void *payload) ls;72 73 //~ /* Executes the push whose context is in the git_push object. */74 //~ int function(git_transport *transport, git_push *push) push;75 76 //~ /* This function may be called after a successful call to connect(), when77 //~ * the direction is FETCH. The function performs a negotiation to calculate78 //~ * the wants list for the fetch. */79 //~ int function(git_transport *transport,80 //~ git_repository *repo,81 //~ const(git_remote_head**) refs_,82 //~ size_t count) negotiate_fetch;83 84 //~ /* This function may be called after a successful call to negotiate_fetch(),85 //~ * when the direction is FETCH. This function retrieves the pack file for86 //~ * the fetch from the remote end. */87 //~ int function(git_transport *transport,88 //~ git_repository *repo,89 //~ git_transfer_progress *stats,90 //~ git_transfer_progress_callback progress_cb,91 //~ void *progress_payload) download_pack;92 93 //~ /* Checks to see if the transport is connected */94 //~ int function(git_transport *transport) is_connected;95 96 //~ /* Reads the flags value previously passed into connect() */97 //~ int function(git_transport *transport, int *flags) read_flags;98 99 //~ /* Cancels any outstanding transport operation */100 //~ void function(git_transport *transport) cancel;101 102 //~ /* This function is the reverse of connect() -- it terminates the103 //~ * connection to the remote end. */104 //~ int function(git_transport *transport) close;105 106 //~ /* Frees/destructs the git_transport object. */107 //~ void function(git_transport *transport) free;108 //~ }109 110 //~ enum GIT_TRANSPORT_VERSION = 1;111 //~ enum git_transport GIT_TRANSPORT_INIT = { GIT_TRANSPORT_VERSION };112 113 //~ /**114 //~ * Function to use to create a transport from a URL. The transport database115 //~ * is scanned to find a transport that implements the scheme of the URI (i.e.116 //~ * git:// or http://) and a transport object is returned to the caller.117 //~ *118 //~ * @param out The newly created transport (out)119 //~ * @param owner The git_remote which will own this transport120 //~ * @param url The URL to connect to121 //~ * @return 0 or an error code122 //~ */123 //~ int git_transport_new(git_transport **out_, git_remote *owner, const(char)* url);124 125 //~ /* Signature of a function which creates a transport */126 //~ alias git_transport_cb = int function(git_transport **out_, git_remote *owner, void *param);127 128 //~ /* Transports which come with libgit2 (match git_transport_cb). The expected129 //~ * value for "param" is listed in-line below. */130 131 //~ /**132 //~ * Create an instance of the dummy transport.133 //~ *134 //~ * @param out The newly created transport (out)135 //~ * @param owner The git_remote which will own this transport136 //~ * @param payload You must pass NULL for this parameter.137 //~ * @return 0 or an error code138 //~ */139 //~ int git_transport_dummy(140 //~ git_transport **out_,141 //~ git_remote *owner,142 //~ /* NULL */ void *payload);143 144 //~ /**145 //~ * Create an instance of the local transport.146 //~ *147 //~ * @param out The newly created transport (out)148 //~ * @param owner The git_remote which will own this transport149 //~ * @param payload You must pass NULL for this parameter.150 //~ * @return 0 or an error code151 //~ */152 //~ int git_transport_local(153 //~ git_transport **out_,154 //~ git_remote *owner,155 //~ /* NULL */ void *payload);156 157 //~ /**158 //~ * Create an instance of the smart transport.159 //~ *160 //~ * @param out The newly created transport (out)161 //~ * @param owner The git_remote which will own this transport162 //~ * @param payload A pointer to a git_smart_subtransport_definition163 //~ * @return 0 or an error code164 //~ */165 //~ int git_transport_smart(166 //~ git_transport **out_,167 //~ git_remote *owner,168 //~ /* (git_smart_subtransport_definition *) */ void *payload);169 170 //~ /*171 //~ *** End of base transport interface ***172 //~ *** Begin interface for subtransports for the smart transport ***173 //~ */174 175 //~ /* The smart transport knows how to speak the git protocol, but it has no176 //~ * knowledge of how to establish a connection between it and another endpoint,177 //~ * or how to move data back and forth. For this, a subtransport interface is178 //~ * declared, and the smart transport delegates this work to the subtransports.179 //~ * Three subtransports are implemented: git, http, and winhttp. (The http and180 //~ * winhttp transports each implement both http and https.) */181 182 //~ /* Subtransports can either be RPC = 0 (persistent connection) or RPC = 1183 //~ * (request/response). The smart transport handles the differences in its own184 //~ * logic. The git subtransport is RPC = 0, while http and winhttp are both185 //~ * RPC = 1. */186 187 //~ /* Actions that the smart transport can ask188 //~ * a subtransport to perform */189 //~ enum git_smart_service_t {190 //~ GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK_LS = 1,191 //~ GIT_SERVICE_UPLOADPACK = 2,192 //~ GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK_LS = 3,193 //~ GIT_SERVICE_RECEIVEPACK = 4,194 //~ } ;195 196 //~ mixin _ExportEnumMembers!git_smart_service_t;197 198 //~ /* A stream used by the smart transport to read and write data199 //~ * from a subtransport */200 //~ struct git_smart_subtransport_stream {201 //~ /* The owning subtransport */202 //~ git_smart_subtransport *subtransport;203 204 //~ int function(205 //~ git_smart_subtransport_stream *stream,206 //~ char *buffer,207 //~ size_t buf_size,208 //~ size_t *bytes_read) read;209 210 //~ int function(211 //~ git_smart_subtransport_stream *stream,212 //~ const(char)* buffer,213 //~ size_t len) write;214 215 //~ void function(216 //~ git_smart_subtransport_stream *stream) free;217 //~ } ;218 219 //~ /* An implementation of a subtransport which carries data for the220 //~ * smart transport */221 //~ struct git_smart_subtransport {222 //~ int function(223 //~ git_smart_subtransport_stream **out_,224 //~ git_smart_subtransport *transport,225 //~ const(char)* url,226 //~ git_smart_service_t action) action;227 228 //~ /* Subtransports are guaranteed a call to close() between229 //~ * calls to action(), except for the following two "natural" progressions230 //~ * of actions against a constant URL.231 //~ *232 //~ * 1. UPLOADPACK_LS -> UPLOADPACK233 //~ * 2. RECEIVEPACK_LS -> RECEIVEPACK */234 //~ int function(git_smart_subtransport *transport) close;235 236 //~ void function(git_smart_subtransport *transport) free;237 //~ };238 239 //~ /* A function which creates a new subtransport for the smart transport */240 //~ alias git_smart_subtransport_cb = int function(241 //~ git_smart_subtransport **out_,242 //~ git_transport* owner);243 244 //~ struct git_smart_subtransport_definition {245 //~ /* The function to use to create the git_smart_subtransport */246 //~ git_smart_subtransport_cb callback;247 248 //~ /* True if the protocol is stateless; false otherwise. For example,249 //~ * http:// is stateless, but git:// is not. */250 //~ uint rpc;251 //~ } ;252 253 //~ /* Smart transport subtransports that come with libgit2 */254 255 //~ /**256 //~ * Create an instance of the http subtransport. This subtransport257 //~ * also supports https. On Win32, this subtransport may be implemented258 //~ * using the WinHTTP library.259 //~ *260 //~ * @param out The newly created subtransport261 //~ * @param owner The smart transport to own this subtransport262 //~ * @return 0 or an error code263 //~ */264 //~ int git_smart_subtransport_http(265 //~ git_smart_subtransport **out_,266 //~ git_transport* owner);267 268 //~ /**269 //~ * Create an instance of the git subtransport.270 //~ *271 //~ * @param out The newly created subtransport272 //~ * @param owner The smart transport to own this subtransport273 //~ * @return 0 or an error code274 //~ */275 //~ int git_smart_subtransport_git(276 //~ git_smart_subtransport **out_,277 //~ git_transport* owner);278 279 //~ /**280 //~ * Create an instance of the ssh subtransport.281 //~ *282 //~ * @param out The newly created subtransport283 //~ * @param owner The smart transport to own this subtransport284 //~ * @return 0 or an error code285 //~ */286 //~ int git_smart_subtransport_ssh(287 //~ git_smart_subtransport **out_,288 //~ git_transport* owner);